View Profile byrd798

7 Movie Reviews

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Hey I signed in for the first time in about a year just to vote a 5 and tell you it was an awsome use of music with animation.

happy late national weed day man 4/20 rules man

like i should of posted this on national weed day man that would have been great man more boobies man (. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)

good idea

the whole tv thing was awsome and you get better reception on teh porn channels thats not fair but still more boobies (. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)(. Y .)

that was art

that was so good i could have cried

or at least cum either way way it is a good thing more boobies (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .) (. Y .)

This is awsome

i love this it is the perfect combination of every thing ever werth time watching

strong message

It was was in the right direction but in the wrong contects

you need to review the story b/c it doesnt match with what you said

this was awsome

that has to be one of the best (non-adult) flash ever

i bet i can out stare you look at the eye redy set go


trustfund baby


Nawlens, LA

Joined on 2/7/05

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5.31 votes
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